7 Ways to Feel Your Best Leading Up to a Big Event

Have you ever set a goal to look and feel your best for an upcoming event? Insert- a vacation, birthday, wedding, gala, party, wedding… etc? If your answer is yes, welcome to the group. (Oh, and if you haven’t read all about this year’s #coronawedding, you should!) But seriously- it’s funny, isn’t it, how society has convinced us that we need to “get ready” for such events… as if we weren’t already good enough? The news flash is- we are good enough just as we are, right now. However, we can’t discount the fact that it is natural to want to feel your best for a big event. 

wedding dress

So how do we focus on feeling our best, without getting sucked into the mindset that we need to lose weight, look a certain way, cut out sugar, or deprive ourselves leading up to the event? We have 7 key ways for you to accomplish feeling incredible, without going down the dark rabbit hole. 

dancing wedding
  1. Focus on FUN movement. Forget punishing yourself or sweating for the wedding… focus on doing the activities you LOVE. Love dance? Awesome, get your groove on. Want to move your body by just walking daily? Fantastic- do it! You get the point. Follow what you love, and it will take the physical pressures you put on yourself off. 

  2. Get fresh air. There is no better way to calm your mind, connect with your body, and ground yourself than to get fresh air outside. Even better- take a walk in nature. It will help you stay present, calm, and happy. 

  3. Focus on the details that matter for your big day/event. Instead of focusing on how you might want to weight x amount of pounds, focus on the fun you want to have, the memories you want to make, and the presence you want to feel.

  4. If working through some of this on your own presents a challenge, talk to a therapist or counselor.  Smart people who want to learn, grow, and solve problems quick and effectively go to therapy. There is NO shame and getting a third party to listen and help you make sense of your thoughts, feelings, and relationship with your body can help tremendously

  5. If you can, take time off before your big event. This will help to again clear your mind and get you in the right headspace of focusing on fun and memories ahead!

  6. Move and journal the morning of the event. It will pump your endorphins, make you feel strong and confident, and will allow you to journal all of the feelings you’re feeling on paper, so you can be more in the moment in person.

  7. Remember how you want to feel the day of the event. Our guess is you’d like to feel grateful, peaceful, present, and confident, right? Focus on this instead of any other thoughts or feelings that may come up that could potentially put you in a different frame of mind.

It is possible to shift our mindsets and to focus on how we want to feel, not necessarily how we feel we “should look”. Remember, life is full of incredible moments, it would be a shame if we miss our biggest moments because we’re worried about our bodies. If you need even more inspiration, be sure to tune into this Fit Friends Happy Hour episode where Katie dives into how to stay prepped and present!

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