Imposter Syndrome: Am I good enough?

When you look around at others, have you ever experienced that ping of feeling like you’re not enough? It’s so easy to get lost in the world of comparison… always looking at others and trying to see how you measure up. Not to mention, it’s easy to get caught in the lies that comparison brings. Like thinking that everyone has it all together, or everyone else is an expert, but you aren’t.

The truth is- no one has it together perfectly. No one is the ultimate expert. And everyone should stop comparing each others stories, journeys, and expertise to each others. Being uniquely different is what makes the world go round. 

Comparison can happen in every aspect of life- in your health, fitness, business, career, money, relationships, and more. We can be so quick in judging ourselves, and picking apart our lives only to compare it to the tiiiiiiny amount of someone else’s life we see. You may even experience imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome is when you doubt your own accomplishments and internalize fear of being seen as a fraud. It can make you feel inadequate or unqualified, despite your success. The reality is, at some point, we all experience it.

So what can you do to cope?

  1. Recognize it’s part of being human. It’s natural to experience Imposter Syndrome. The first thing you always need to do is recognize when it’s happen, and refrain from letting your mind go all the way down the dark path

  2. Ask yourself- why am I comparing my success to others? This will open up a variety of root beliefs that may be holding you back

  3. Remind yourself of the TRUTH- you have accomplished so many things! It is so incredibly important to recognize and celebrate your successes. 

  4. Focus on what you DO have. Learn to be driven, but also content. Recognize your blessings

  5. Remind yourself that that incredible things, and so many blessings are in store for you. Having an abundance mindset will make all the difference in your life.

Whether you feel imposter syndrome when you compare yourself in health, fitness, parenthood, your career, or just to others you know, just know it’s normal, but it is not a feeling you should allow yourself to sit in. We’ve had great conversations about imposter syndrome, and the more we increase awareness, the better we can cope.