It's Time To Persevere: 3 Tips For Tough Times

It would be really great if life were just one easy staircase to climb, wouldn't it? I mean, don’t  you ever just wish we could cruise from one success to another? I would. But then again, it is the tough times that make us more grateful, teach us more than we knew we needed to learn, and ultimately lead us to the place we’re meaning to go. 

Unfortunately I’m here today to tell you that at some point, the going will get tough. You’re going to run into roadblocks, walls, and ruts. You’re going to go through valleys, dark times, and uninspired seasons.  The good news is, you’re also going to learn from all of them. You’re also going to come out stronger because of them. And you’re also going to become a better person because of it.

group fitness

When I first had a passion for health and fitness I was on FIRE. I wanted to do everything I possibly could to help other people. I decided I wanted to become a personal trainer, and go to school for dietetics. I freaking worked my butt of studying for my first personal training exam… only to fail it.  And then I took it again, and failed. But, third times a charm and because I had the resilience to keep going after my goals, I passed. (FYI, I don’t love tests :) )

When it came to matching for my dietetics internship, I didn’t match right away. It also took me three times to pass my registered dietitian exam. It would have been SO easy for me to feel defeated, give up, and think it wasn’t for me. Instead, I pressed on. I studied more, I  practiced more,  and I got through the tests. 

If I wouldn’t have pushed through, I wouldn’t be a Registered Dietician, an Intuitive Eating Counselor,  a Personal trainer, a Group Fitness Instructor, or a former International Master Trainer. I  can attribute those successes to the fact that I pushed through the roadblocks. I share all of this with you today so you can hopefully be encouraged to  continue on, and to not let life tell you what you can or cannot do.

Katie dietician

The next time the going gets tough, continue to:

  1. Remember your why. Remember why you started, why you want to keep going, and remember why you love what you’re trying to pursue in the first place!

  2. Get the good vibes going by reading inspiring articles, saving inspiring quotes on Pinterest, listening to an uplifting podcast (hello Fit Friends Happy Hour!), or listen to  a motivating YouTube video.

  3. Treat your body well. Stretch, rest, nourish, and fuel your body.


-You are strong

-You are capable

-You can do anything you put your mind to

-You are not alone

-You can do this.

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