EP 240: Self-Care, Self-Compassion, and "Good Enough"

I get it - we hear about self-care all of the time. I’d even dare to say that it has become a buzzword.


We hear about how we should get more exercise, sleep, etc. And while mastering those basic things is important, our lives and self-confidence aren’t going to radically shift if we just stop there. 


It’s time we take it a step further, and tie in one element that I find is missing from the typical self-care conversation – SELF COMPASSION. 


The truth is, there’s always more to do, and more to achieve, whether it be at work or in our personal lives. Heck, if we’re too tough on ourselves, even our personal development and self-care journies can become stressful as well. 


That’s why today I'm diving deep into self-compassion. Listen in as I share the mantra that I’ve adopted that helps me stay rooted in self-compassion, “good enough.” So, fellow high-achievers, grab your sticky notes and jot that mantra down and press play, we’re in this journey together! 

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Book a free strategy call | www.katiehake.com/schedule

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Things Mentioned in This Episode: 

Try Magic Mind – Use code 'happy20' to get a limited 20% off your first order! | https://www.magicmind.co/happy

Join our Nutrition Month Mini Challenge! | https://www.katiehake.com/nutritionmonth

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