Ep 282: The intersection of social media and mental health with Lily Thrope, LCSW

A 2018 study found a correlation between time spent on social media, negative body image, and disordered eating.

The reality is that so many people are carrying the weight of comparison and perfectionism fueled by endless content that’s riddled with diet culture and unrealistic beauty standards. 

So, it’s time that we addressed the uncomfortable elephant in the room and asked ourselves, “Are my habits around social media supporting my mental health?” 

If you answered no, today’s episode is going to help you unpack why you can’t stop doom-scrolling and comparing yourself to the highlight reels on your feed (we’ve all been there!). 

We’re sitting down with Lily Thrope, LCSW, founder of Thrope Therapy LCSW PLLC, a psychotherapy practice located in Midtown Manhattan where she specializes in supporting individuals who experience eating disorders, disordered eating, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and LGBTQIA-related issues. 

Listen in as she opens up about her journey to healing from an eating disorder and shares her best tips for creating practical boundaries around social media that will support your mental health and body image. 

Connect with Lily:

Website | https://thropetherapy.com/
Instagram| https://www.instagram.com/thropetherapylcsw/

Connect with The Katie:

Book a Free Strategy Call | www.katiehake.com/schedule
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Last day to register for the Metabolism MasterClass and Learn How to Heal Your Metabolism & Mentality Using My 4-Step Approach | https://www.katiehake.com/metab

Resource from today’s show notes: 


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