5 Quick Supplement Tips

Have you seen that new tea that will help you lose 15lbs fast? Or how about the BCAA that is also supercharged with every nutrient you’ll EVER need and it gives you enough energy to run 10 marathons? We’ve all seen it… the supplements that promise everything. And let’s be honest- sometimes it's tempting! It’s easy to get drawn to a supplement, and the progress/improvements it promises. Human nature loves a good quick fix, but its important to use supplements in the right way, for the right purpose.

The most common supplements right now are protein powders, ready to drink shakes, pre-workout, BCAA’s, and collagen. These can all serve their purpose, and have a place, but it’s important to choose the right ones for you. 


The first place to start is aligning your needs with your goals. Why do you need supplementation? Is there something else you could do to achieve your goal without supplementing ? For example, if you got proper sleep each night, maybe you wouldn’t have the need to take pre-workout every morning, or if you were able to naturally eat the level of protein you need, you may not need protein shakes each day. Now, before we go any further, I want you to know- I am not anti-supplements… I just want to inform you on ways you can ensure you’re using proper supplements, in the way that will serve you best.

If you identify that you have a need for supplementation, here are a few things you’ll want to do:

  1. Pick a supplement that has been third party tested. It’s actually a bit scary how anyone can make a supplement and sell it. You’ll want to make sure what you’re putting into your body has been thoroughly tested. This will help to ensure the quality, and your safety.

  2. Take a supplement because YOU need it, not because you’ve seen someone else take it. In the influencer era, it’s easy to find yourself wanting to take a supplement because the person you follow had “such great results' '. It’s important to remember that what we see on the internet is often not 100% true, and that supplements work differently for everyone, so focus on your goals- not anyone else's.

  3. If a supplement claims it can do a laundry list of things for you… it probably can’t. Beware of supplements that can boost your metabolism, give you energy, help you drop 10 pounds, decrease inflammation, help you sleep better, and make you happier all at once. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

  4. Consider having medical and/or blood tests done to see if you are lacking any nutrients. Consulting with a professional is a great way to see where you are deficient, and then you can make educated decisions on the supplements your body needs

  5. Intuitively eat first. Our bodies are smart. They know what we need. Often if your body is lacking a nutrient, you’ll crave it. Listen to that first, then supplement if you’re still deficient.

Supplements are great if you’re lacking in a nutrient for one reason or another. They help to fill in gaps. Beware of the claims for supplements to fix all things, intuitively listen to your body, and of course consult a professional. Remember, your body knows what you need! If you want to learn more about this, or want to hear what Sports Nutrition professional Taryn Cullen, MPH, RD, LDN think on supplements, tune in here.

PS I’m teaching a FREE Metabolism Master Class to teach you how I reset my metabolism with my 4-step approach and shhh no supps or diets needed — click here to register