Can Intuitive Eating Help You Lose Weight?

Ah, the age old question- will this help me lose weight? Sadly, we can’t say we haven’t been there. As we’ve talked about before, the media influences society to believe that things are good if they help us lose weight. I mean, that  is the purpose of health, right?! WRONG. We repeat- WRONG.

Before we answer the question “can I lose weight intuitively”, we need to dissect what intuitive eating really is. Intuitive eating is a self-care model of eating. Essentially, it's a framework that allows us to have  a healthier relationship with food and our bodies. Intuitive Eating encourages  us to listen to our hunger cues, and let our bodies help us decide what to eat and when. Naturally, over time, you find that by eating intuitively your body becomes harmonious with food and signals to you what nutrients to eat and when. 

intuitive eating

Intuitive eating is a process, and it can take time to find your natural state or “set point”. This means  you may gain some weight, or you may lose some weight, or you may stay neutral. It is more important to find your set point where your body is it’s healthiest and happiest, rather than to have the scale say a certain number. 

If you want to lose weight, it's important to ask yourself- why? Is it for a certain image, is it because you think you’ll be happier, is it because you want more confidence, or is it because you think that will make you healthier? Contrary to popular belief, studies have actually  shown that  weight is not a predictor of health. Just because you have a higher weight doesn’t mean you automatically will  have more disease, or troubles down the road. You can have health without achieving a certain number on the scale.  In fact, there are so many other  things we  can focus on in this life that would be incredibly more productive and beneficial to our health, rather than just focusing on the  numbers on the scale. 

The bottom line is- intuitive eating may or may not cause weight loss, but it will allow you to actually be healthier. It will allow you to connect with your body, and trust that it will tell you what it needs. Intuitive Eating will allow you to get to your body’s  natural set point, and that again is healthier than focusing on the number on the scale. 

Remember, your body is for you, not against you. Once you realize this, the health puzzle pieces all start coming together, and life gets a lot easier.

Ready to take the first step towards a non-diet approach? Click here to schedule a free 20-minute strategy call!