6 Ways to Find Happiness During Stressful Times

Life can get crazy (especially in the middle of a pandemic, hellooo), but the wild thing is, it won’t probably ever slow down. I mean, have you ever sat there and thought, wow everything is absolutely perfect and it never changes? Didn’t think so. That’s also the wonderful thing about life! It is unpredictable, keeps us on our toes, and gives us moment’s we never knew we needed.


However, when life seems to be a little too stressful, and a little too much, how can we find happiness? How can we feel peace? How can we have FUN? How can we live our best life despite stressful circumstances?

  1. Find FUN in the Mundane. Yes girl, this means making a game out of grocery shopping, or listening to a podcast while you do chores, or giving yourself fun challenges throughout the day to try to meet. Life becomes more fun when you can infuse fun into the everyday tasks that you do. Trust us, you’ll dread these things a whole lot less when you attach an activity you love to them. Personal tip- we love listening to an audiobook while doing laundry. It makes it so much better!

  2. Feel the moment. When was the last time you were laughing? Laughing is the best- its human joy in its purest form. Think about how you felt. Stop and be in the moment when this joy overcomes you. Think about what triggers/triggered you to feel that way and soak it in. Enjoy the dopamine and ride the wave of the positive feels as long as you can.

  3. Take care of nourishing your body. This is one of the best ways to feel “happy” during chaos. When you nourish your body, listen to it, and create a healthy relationship with food, you will feel more peace, confidence, and happiness.

  4. Do something spontaneous you wouldn’t normally do. Sometimes you’ve got to shake it up!  Challenge yourself to try one new thing this week. It could be as simple as trying a new recipe, a new workout, or a new park, or if you want to do something really spontaneous, try a new outdoor challenge or visit a new city! Changing up the scenery can give you a new perspective, and happiness.

  5. Take care of your body. This will make you feel good from the outside in. When you move your body, you will feel the positive energy. Find the right type of movement to spark joy (link blog) and get moving!

  6. Make a list of all of the things that are just PURE joy for you. This is the sure fire way to spark a smile. Once you have your list, do one, or all of them! Tackle one a day that would leave you feeling pure happiness. When you feel overwhelmed, continue referring back to the list to spark more happiness.

These six tips should be a perfect place to start to turn your stressed situation into a blessed situation. To get yourself through chaos, you must find the light. Hopefully discovering fun and happiness in these ways is a way to get you through. Keep going and keep on being happy!

Do you have stress around food? Click here to book your free strategy call, and let’s chat!