How to Connect More With Yourself and Others

Tis the season for connection, right?! In a typical year, this is the time of year we usually come together, celebrate, connect,  reflect, and look forward to a new year. With the 2020’s being anything but a “typical year”, it may feel like this year won’t have as much connection because well, #covid. 


However, we encourage you to flip your perspective. If anything, this year has proven that true connection and strong relationships with those we love (and with ourselves!) can truly help us get through everything. Even though you might not be able to hug your aunt, kiss your grandma, or even just chat with your bff while enjoying some christmas baking, it does NOT mean that you can’t still enjoy those you love. In fact, it is possible to connect with them even more this year, even with restrictions!

It’s also important to give an honorable mention to the connection we have with ourselves. Let’s be honest- this year was….a lot. It’s pretty easy to get lost in the shuffle of the world, and disconnect from ourselves a bit. However, with the restrictions of this year, it gave us all an opportunity to slow down, and if you haven’t already, we encourage you to tune in and connect a little deeper with yourself. 


This past year has given us all a (forced) opportunity to slow down. In our culture, we don’t slow down enough. However, slowing down allows us to really understand the “why” behind what we do, and it also allows us to see the foundation of everything we stand for. What kind of foundation do you want? If you want one of strong connections with yourself and your loved ones, we encourage you to dive a little deeper.

Not sure how to slow down + connect more? Try these:

  1. Make it a point to connect over a meal. If you live with your family, spouse, or roommate, intentionally plan to eat together. If you live alone, set up a few facetime dinner dates!

  2. Take the opportunity to truly be present with other people. Phones, texts, pings, everything  can grab our attention so quick. Remember, all we have is this moment. Take the moment to enjoy the person you’re sitting across from.

  3. Journal your gratitude. When we are thankful for what we have, it makes what we have even better. 

  4. Ask engaging  questions. These could be fun, silly, or even hard questions. Our Fit Friends Happy Hour guest Jennifer from Togather Moments has created an entire “game” based off of connection cards (highly recommend!)

  5. Take three deep breaths and ask yourself what you need

  6. Ask those you love what they need. Do something kind for them.

  7. Do a random act of kindness for someone you love, or even a stranger! Ironically, this will help you connect just as much with yourself as it does with the other person.

  8. Pause, and listen to your body. Move the want it desires, eat when it is hungry. If it wants low impact workouts, do them! If your body is starving, feed it, do not under eat. Your body will thank you.

  9. Pull down your guard. Being vulnerable is okay.

  10. Put in the effort. If there is anything this year has taught us, it is that we need to put in the effort to make our relationships thrive.

You don’t have to do all 10 at once, but we encourage you to explore connection on a deeper level. We can promise you, you won’t regret it.