How to Stop Saying "I'll Start When I'm Ready" & Start DOING

I’ll start when  ______ (insert anything). I’ll start on Monday. I’ll start when I’m fit. I’ll be happy when I lose 10lbs. Once life settles down then I’ll take the entrepreneurship leap. Sound familiar? When we say this to ourselves, we don’t realize how detrimental this mindset can truly be. We are ultimately putting off  our  goals, our  happiness, and our best lives to some foreseeable future.  News flash- the future may never happen and conditions will never be “perfect” for you to do that thing or feel that way.

While it may be easy to read this and think “yeah, she’s right!”,  I also recognize that the next time you’re faced with the decision to start, these detrimental thoughts might just creep in again. If this happens,  I want to  your remember these things:

  1. You are capable of ANYTHING you put your mind to

  2. Stop convincing yourself you’re going to fail, before you even start

  3. Stop putting off your true happiness

  4. Your body does NOT need to be a certain size or weight in order for you to live your best life

  5. Taking a small action towards a goal is better than no action at all

  6. Your self talk does affect everything you think and do, so make it positive

  7. Taking one step will give you confidence, and confidence breeds more confidence

  8. Everyone has self doubt at times, but you don’t have to let it rule your mind

  9. Waiting does nothing other than delay confidence, happiness, and success

  10. Failure is just a learning opportunity, so what do you have to lose?

  11. You deserve to try  and see how capable you really are

In our podcast with Melissa Ruiz, she said it perfectly- in order to be “ready” you must be prepared. Take  baby steps in order to achieve your goals. Get rid of the all or nothing mindset. For instance, at the beginning  of the year, month, or week, we  tend to be more reflective and more motivated. So  during these times,  pick a place to start. For example, maybe you try a 10 minute workout each day, or you decide you’re going to spend 30 minutes that week working more at your side hustle. You need to come to the place where you can take the first step (and the first step looks different for everyone). 

We hope this quick note today helps you and inspires you. We encourage you to TRY and not delay the start. Who cares! Get out there and do the thing, girlfriend! If you’re looking for more inspiration, be sure to tune into our inspirational podcasts on Fit Friends Happy  Hour!