What Journaling Can Do For You

We often hear journaling is a best practice for creativity, business building, emotional healing, and for your health journey. Journaling  is an incredibly healthy way to see on paper what is swirling around in our heads. Did you know we have on average over 6,000 thoughts per day? It’s no wonder things need to be sorted out.  Enter, journaling.

The beauty of journaling is it can be done in any way that serves you best. It can be done daily, hourly, or on an as needed basis. It just depends how and what you’re using journaling for!


Here are a few ways you might use journaling:

  • Gratitude Journal- Write down at least 3 things you’re grateful for every day. Keeping gratitude top of mind will help you frame your day with the right perspective of thankfulness.

  • Food Log- Writing down what you eat and how it makes  you feel is an incredibly helpful especially during intuitive eating.  It allows you to recognize patterns and get more in tune with your body.

  • Brain Dump- We love a good brain dump! This is for when your brain is filled with so many ideas and thoughts- you just need to get them all out on paper. The goal here is to just write and write and write, then sort out your thoughts later.

  • Diary- This is helpful to write out your day, your thoughts, and what you did. It’s fun to look back on your life and see how all the steps connected together.

  • Business Ideas- Write out those ideas! This brainstorm will help you tap into your creativity and can help you take the leap into  that business you’ve been dreaming about.

  • To-Do Lists- We love a good to-do-list. It helps you stay on track and knock out those tasks! Not to mention, check marking each “done” item is oh so satisfying.

  • Self Discovery- Journaling can help you tap into who you truly are. Free flow writing can help uncover your thoughts, your patterns, and your truths.

  • Emotional Repair- Writing out your emotions can help you sort through them,  much like a form of therapy.  It is incredibly useful!

  • Prayer Journal- Praying is a beautiful way  to connect with God, and send peaceful thoughts to your loved ones. Praying can help you through the highs and lows of life.

  • Body Positive Journaling- This is the perfect way to CELEBRATE your body! Write down at least 2 things you love about yourself and your body every day.

There is no right or wrong way to journal. It is individualistic and personalized to what works best for YOU! This week, pick  one of these techniques and grab a piece of paper. We know it will help you connect more with yourself, and will allow you to get to an even more fulfilling place in your life!