Ep 152: We Need to Talk - Racial Injustice with Katie & Lauren

*I recognize this is NOT my story/experience to tell, but hear me out! What are you doing to fight racial injustice? Maybe after hearing about the horrific murder of George Floyd in the media, your eyes are open to the fact that racism is still very much alive in our country and you feel compelled to speak up and support the Black Lives Matter Movement. But maybe you're afraid to potentially say the wrong thing. Today's episode is all about exploring what we can do to step up and be part of the solution despite that fear.

Lauren is joining me today, and We're having an open and honest conversation about our take on everything that is going on. We're talking about how we've realized that there's a difference between non-racism and anti-racism and that colorblindness is not the answer. We're discussing why it's not okay to disengage from dialogue surrounding white privilege. Most importantly, we're sharing about the actions that we are taking to educate ourselves, to acknowledge our white privilege, and to fight against systemic racism.

Want to continue the conversation? Join us over in the Facebook group Fit Friends Tribe - https://www.facebook.com/groups/fitfriendstribe/