Is working out hurting my health?

Have you ever wondered- are my workout habits actually hurting my health? If you’re a female, you may have wondered this, especially if you’ve ever gone without a regular menstrual cycle.

female health

Enter: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea. Hypothala-what?! Yeah, we thought the same thing when we first heard this, so don’t be ashamed if you have to try to pronounce it a couple times. For ease of this post, let’s all just refer to it as H.A… okay? Great.

In all seriousness, Hypothalamic Amenorrhea is an issue that many women experience.  In fact, if you’re a lady that’s super into fitness and has ever gone to somewhat extreme lengths for health, you might have experience with H.A.

Hpyothalamic Amenorrhea is a condition in which menstruation stops for several months, due to a problem involving the hypothalamus (aka the center of the brain that controls reproduction).

Have you ever lost your period? And no, not including during pregnancy. You see, it’s actually pretty common because many of us push ourselves like crazy to try to achieve what the media tells us is beautiful. Maybe this means you lost it because you were working out like maniac, or followed an extremely low caloric diet. It could also happen from training for a marathon or if you’re under extreme stress.

Still not totally sure if you’ve had it? Here are some additional symptoms you might have:

  • You stand up and feel dizzy often

  • Can’t do/don’t have the energy to do the same activities as you used to

  • You have less energy overall

  • Brain fog and trouble focusing

  • Cold and shaky

  • Elevated anxiety

  • Low heart rate

  • Low libido

In this episode of the Fit Friends Happy Hour, we talked with McKenzie Cadwell, MPH, RDN, a registered dietitian based in Charlotte, NC, about how you get H.A, and how you can heal from it. McKenzie dove deep with the truth- you’re not getting your period because you’re in an energy deficit. AKA you’re not eating enough calories. 

SIDE NOTE- we know calories can be a scary word for most. Why? Because, media. But the truth is, calories are nothing to be scared of. As McKenzie would say- “Calories are just a measure of energy and therefore when we eat foods, it gives us energy. Calories aren’t bad- it’s hard to instill this and realize you do need to eat more food. It’s so hard because the internet provides so many mixed messages”. 

If you’re experiencing the symptoms above, we beg you to be honest and real and question whether you are eating enough. 1200 calories is what a child needs, not an adult or active woman. Your body needs more fuel in the tank to thrive. Eating more nourishing calories will not make you fat- it can make you healthy. Our biggest tip is to look into intuitive eating. We talk a ton about it on the podcast- like in this episode, but it’s a wonderful way to create a healthy relationship with your body and food. A healthy food relationship- where you can fuel your body without guilt, is essential to you being able to live your healthiest and happiest life.

*Disclaimer: This blog was not meant for medical device. If you think you may have HA or another medical diagnosis, please reach out to your health care professional or click here to schedule a FREE discovery call.