3 Reminders You Need Today

Hey, girl. How are you doing? Living in 2020, in a global pandemic can be wild, isn’t it? With the world swirling around you, and instagram feeds filled with fake “perfection” all around you, it can get a bit overwhelming. If you feel this way, we feel you- we see you. 

That’s why we wanted to give you the three truth bomb reminders you need to hear today. Whether you’re on the verge of doing something new, feel a little “off”, just want to switch it up, or want to be a little more fulfilled, this advice is for you. 

Take care of yourself. 

In this insanity of a world, its more important than ever to indulge in self care. This could be through movement, nourishment, hobbies, or just doing things that bring you pure joy. Either way, this is your reminder that you need to carve out a minimum of 10 minutes today to do something for YOURSELF. When you fill your own cup, you can pour from it to give to others. If your tank is empty, and you don’t refuel it, you and the people in your life will suffer from not getting the best version of you. Remember, it is NOT selfish to take time for yourself.

Tune into yourself, and what you’re feeling. 

Self awareness is key. This can come in the form of journaling, mediation, sitting with your thoughts and trying to sort them out, or even just being still. It can be scary to slow down, and tune in, but once you do, it will be amazing what you find. You may discover something you didn’t know was bothering you, or maybe that thing you have been working on will finally click! When we tune into ourselves, we develop a greater understanding of who we are and why we do things, which helps us navigate life a whole lot easier.

Trust yourself.

This is easier said than done. For whatever reason, as humans we have a hard time trusting ourselves. Kind of funny, isn’t it? Learning to trust ourselves and the decisions we make, is a direct correlation to how strongly our self awareness is. You can learn to trust yourself through intuitive eating, listening to your body, and trusting that it knows what it needs. When you start listening, your body will tell you the movement, the nourishment, and the care it needs.


This is simple, but also sometimes hard to implement advice. We urge you to dive in, take a step back, and take a step INward. Remember, you got this!