What is Will Power and Do You Need It?

If you’re reading this, there’s a high likelihood that at some  point in your life you’ve believed that if you had enough will power, you could finally lose weight. Why do we think this? Because statistically, many people think that will power is the key to creating change- especially change associated with weight, nutrition, and exercise. It’s because we hear it all the time in the media and commercials. The latest diets tout the rules to lose weight and promise that with enough “will power” you’ll find the success you’re looking for. 

So what is will power and how can it be developed? It’s defined as the attempt to counter natural desires and replace it with prescriptive rules. Will power is believed to be the force that allows us to do unpleasant tasks that are not essential, but that we believe we must do. Again, one of the most common beliefs is that you need willpower and self control in order to lose weight.

As we dive into this belief, we want to ask- Why do  you think it is that a doctor would never expect a patient to will blood pressure levels back down to normal? Let that sink in for a moment.

You would never hear a doctor expect that of a patient. So why then do we think it’s normal for us to expect people to will their weight loss by restricting food? Many of my clients are high  achieving in so many areas of their  life, but often during our first sessions they come in saying “I just need more discipline and willpower”. They are frustrated that they can be so successful in all other areas of life, so they expect it when it comes to food, nutrition, and controlling their weight. The truth is, you don’t need more willpower… you need a healthier relationship with food, your body, and the mentality you have around health.

Essentially, a diet becomes a set of rules that ultimately triggers rebellion. FYI it is NATURAL to have a desire for sweets, and all food categories. It is unnatural to eat pertaining to set food rules (especially rules that include cutting out categories entirely). In order to stay away from rules and rebellion, it’s important to create a more positive eating experience. This can be done through intuitive eating, and by looking at food as energy instead of as a battleground between you and your will power. 


When you think about the desire you have to obtain it, ask yourself, am I still dieting? Am I using this false sense  of security and control to manipulate what it is I’m eating?  Willpower and staying on track with a meal plan will only give you a temporary sense of control. However, by focusing on intuitive eating, you’ll  gain a lifelong sense of empowerment.

You don’t need willpower to live a healthy life. You need a healthy relationship with yourself, and that can start through listening to your body and fueling it properly.

Ready to take the first step towards a non-diet approach? Click here to schedule a free 20-minute strategy call!