5 Things to Focus on Other Than Weight Loss

It seems as though every January the world gets a huge burst of motivation to better themselves, their lives, and their bodies. Every year it’s the same story-  the motivation to “get fit and lose weight”, but unfortunately so often we focus on the wrong things. There is a common misconception that if you lose weight, you’ll be healthier. If you’ve read anything on our blog, or listened to any episode of the Fit Friends Happy Hour podcast, you know that that is not always the case. Small weight, body shape,  and body size do not equate to healthy.

There are so many things you can do to take care of yourself without  focusing on weight loss- and they’re easy to do! Believe it or not, it's healthier to NOT focus on weight loss and instead focus on the things that really move the needle towards a healthier, happier you. Remember, your health is much more than just your weight.

If you want to become a better you, try focusing on these 5 things instead of weightloss: 

  1. Your mental health. How are you doing mentally, emotionally, spiritually? Do you feel intune with who you are, with your emotions, with your faith or beliefs? It can be hard to put mental health first, but it’s so important. To improve your mental health, try meditating, journaling, reading, or going to therapy.

  2. Your relationships and connections with others. Relationships make up our lives, whether we realize it or not. Poor relationships can wreak havoc on our lives, our mental state, and our health. What can you do this week to improve your relationships? Try some of these suggestions to connect more with those you love!

  3. Your fulfillment level. How fulfilled, happy, and accomplished do you feel? Do you feel like you’re in alignment with a purpose? Do you feel like what you’re doing is making a difference? If not, what is one step you can take to be in better alignment? Is it time for you to create your own opportunity?

  4. Your strength. How strong do you feel? Focusing on feeling strong instead of losing weight is a great way to empower yourself to a healthier you!

  5. Your joy. How happy are you, truly? One way to increase your joy is to count your blessings. If you want to improve this area, we recommend focusing on writing out what you’re grateful for each morning.

There are so many aspects to living our best life and these are just a few areas and gut checks you can take to see if  you’re in alignment. Focusing on these areas, as opposed to a certain number on the scale can greatly improve your health!